Remember this post? Well- I thought it was time to revisit it and see my progress.
1. answered prayers
2. have family pics taken
3. start an herb garden
4. go on a family or couple vacation- trip to Pensacola, FL over Labor Day
5. make a ??? (it's a surprise- can not reveal info)- will reveal VERY soon.
6. start or be in a bible study- this is in the works, but I hope to begin when we get back from TX. Does anyone have a suggestion on a study?
7. bake a rainbow cake (click for pic)
8. get a facial...or two...or three (ha)
9. decorate S's big boy room
10. get a macbook
11. make 2 new friends
12. learn how to shop with coupons- I actually haven't been shopping with coupons- rather learning to shop on a budget. I have actually done really well. More on this later as well.
13. finish Layne and Shea's baby books
14. finish the Yudizky 2009 photo book- Yay....finally- this was a huge project. I have not ordered it yet, but it is all together. I'm dragging my feet because I don't want to pay for it. As soon as I do though- I will show you guys. I can't wait to have it in my hands.

16. organize all computer files
17. canon 24-70 mm lens
18. add two new awesome meals to my weekly dinner menu's
19. grow my bangs out
20. take my boys to a baseball game
21. clean the house from top to bottom in one day
22. have a party
23. paint a picture
24. learn something new about photography
25. subscribe to a magazine
26. read one book all the way through
27. go on a girls trip
28. learn more about gardening and flowers in general (I dream of beautiful purple and blue hydrangeas all around my house)
29. revamp my wardbrobe
30. grow even closer to the lord- Obviously this is a daily goal- but I try and keep my eyes and my mind on the things that matter...and to keep my faith at the forefront of my life. I have nothing without faith. Faith in God, faith that he knows where my life is going, faith that he will look after my boys when I can not, faith that he can deal with the stuff that I physically can't control. I've learned- It's faith or fear. Faith seems to be the better choice, don't ya think.
Have a great day. The boys and I are leaving for TX, but I will have a few posts scheduled between now and the time I get back.