about me

This blog is a simple reflection of the things I am passionate about.  A space I can call my own.  My days are filled with crying, fighting, giggling, screaming (not me- the kids...well...maybe me, sometimes), Dora, kisses and dirt.  My two little boys definitely keep me on my toes and loving more than I ever thought I could.  Before the world of mommy-hood I worked as an assistant buyer for a department store and a production assistant for an upscale retail store.  Like many women- I started my own business in the crazy world of photography after my first son was born.  Between cooking, changing diapers, wiping noses, doing laundry and all those other fun things we as moms get to do- I run my part-time photography business, KevynLynn Photography.  I am not promising you a Martha-Stewart blog where everything you see leaves you breathless and wondering why you're not as talented...nope- I am average people- what you get from me will be my attempt at making this life a better place for those around me.  I've learned that through the attempts of life- whether it be baking, painting, shopping, running a business, raising kids, making the right choices- we often get it wrong, but if we keep at it- every so often- we hit perfection!  I hope you will enjoy my journey that is this blog- and that maybe, just maybe you might learn a thing or two from my attempts at this life.

Yours Truly,
