One of the most frustrating aspects of "renting" is that you can never really make it your own. Now- for some this is okay...moving in your stuff and just living, but for me, it's sadness. There's no painting walls, painting cabinets, building things, etc...instead I must find happiness in the room arrangement, choice of fabrics, pillows and wall hangings. I no longer can get tired of the paint color and run to Lowe's for a quick can of pick me up. I think Kyle used to secretly role his eyes when he would come home to find me with yet another can of paint...painting who knows what. I can't help it though, its just part of who I am...the seeker of design perfection for my home and family. I could eat, sleep and breathe this design stuff...the fabric, the furniture, the architecture, the colors, etc...ect...MY NAME IS KEVYN AND I AM A DESIGNAHOLIC. I know- cheesy, but that's how I feel. I go to bed thinking about how I will decorate my next house, when I have free reign to do whatever I want. (sad- I know) Now- please don't get me wrong, I am not admitting to be good at all this- I just love it. But, boy, you better watch out because all these bottled up ideas may explode when I get my next chance. So...anyway, after living in a fully furnished condo for a year (talk about torture for me), and now a beautiful carriage house, but a rental non-the-less, I felt L needed a more personal space of his own. A few months back I began to collect inspiration images and then decided on a plan. My mom came into town and we were on the hunt for all the items on my list and I even had her bring my sewing machine (in a small rolling suitcase) on the plane with her. I made a few pillow cases and curtain panels with some fabric bought from fabric worm. It took us the four days she was in town- but we did it. I did the best I could without being able to paint the walls or the furniture (which is my brothers)'s definitely not what it would look like if I had free reign, but I do love it. I still want to add a few more touches- so I'm not going to post his room quite yet, instead I will leave you with the images I found for my inspiration.

P.S. Again- I'm not sure where I got this images because I didn't write it down a few months back. I'm sorry.
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