Most of you already know...but were moving home!!! I am soooo excited I can't see straight. It has been a long few months as Kyle and I have prayed and talked about the job opportunity that is bringing us home. We were really in search for Gods will for our family- but in the end- only learned that Gods will is not a specific place or thing, but rather the knowledge and wisdom to keep your priorities in line and choose based on what is best for your family...always keeping him first, of course. We are definitely stepping out in faith...but know that God promises to take care of those who trust and follow him. celebrate this long awaited homecoming, I have decided to offer my photography clients an awesome special. I'd like to think of it as a "I'm coming home"/ It's officially fall/ It's Christmas card time very "special" special.
I am so excited that I get to focus on my business again. I have definitely grown as a photographer in the past couple of years- and hope that you enjoy your pictures as much as I enjoy taking them.
I am offering this special for most of the month of November and the first two weeks in December. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Also- I would love if you would pass this on to any friends you know that might be interested.

Please feel free to visit my
website for additional pictures and pricing. I
strongly dislike the way blogger makes my pictures please don't judge based on the quality of these! cringe.
God is good.